Terms and Coditions

By using this website for posting, membership search, or otherwise, you understand and accept that

1. Bad Men Report does not endorse any specific lifestyle choices or vocation. It is simply a safety information exchange platform for all adult service providers; meaning female escorts, erotic massage providers, Dominas, Strippers, etc., and the posting of this content and its availability is protected by the US Consitution’s First Amendment. 

2. Bad Men Report is intended for the use of female escorts and other female adult entertainment workers to provide them vital safety information when checking the back grounds of new and potentially bad customers who contact them. If you are a female escort, or otherwise provide adult erotic services, we ask that you use integrity and make your postings honestly and fairly. 

3. Bad Men Report is a repository for “alleged” incidents from the escort community about deadbeat, flaky, or dangerous clients. Although the registry encourages posters to include the most accurate, complete information, Bad Men Report does not independently verify registration data, the veracity of the posts, and therefore takes no responsibility for its accuracy. 

4. Bad Men Report cautions users that the information provided on this Web site is information of record that was reported to the registry by female escorts based on their individual experience with a particular client. It may not reflect the most recent status or other information regarding an offender, as offenders may change their looks, alter their appearance, use aliases, travel to different locations, and change their contact information often. 

5Bad Men Report‘s Registry contains identifying information about an alleged incident. It does not reflect an entire history or behavior of an offender, nor does it attempt to make any statements about an offender’s character as we do not know the entire set of circumstances which influenced the events as they unfolded. Information about bad clients should be used as a guide to help escorts make safer and healthier choices about how, or if whether, they should book appointments with certain callers. 

6. Bad Men Report is a 3rd Part Posting Platform only, meaning that we do not make the posts, only our users or members. Anyone who posts does so and acknowledges and accepts that they accept full responsibility for the information they post. Visitors, users, and members under these terms understands and accepts that Bad Men Report specifically makes no express or implied guarantee concerning the accuracy of this data or its completeness, and therefore shall not be held liable or responsible in anyway for the posts, or their accuracy. A federal law called the Communications Decency Act or “CDA”, 47 U.S.C. § 230 is part of our federal laws, and the CDA has declared that when a user writes and posts material on a website such as Bad Men Report, the site itself cannot be held legally responsible for the posted material. *Due to the nature of the escort industry and the unpredictable personalities of its customer base, for their protection to avoid possible retribution, it is understood that some escorts may alter incident dates and locations, or not include certain specific information that may identify them or associate them with a particular incident thereby compromising their safety even further. Federal laws concerning libel or defamation allow for ambiguities, meaning that the “gist” of the report is allowed and certain specific information need not be necessary to allow postings to be made and allow escorts to make an informed decision about certain callers. 

7. Bad Men Report main purpose of providing this data on the Internet is to make the information easily available and accessible for escorts and anyone else seeking information about those listed in our repository. Users/Visitors are cautioned that positive identification of an individual cannot be conclusively established by comparing name, phone numbers, e-mail or other information with that is provided in Registry Reports. Comparisons based on appearance may also be misleading, and cannot establish a positive identification without some possibility of error. 

8. Bad Men Report warns that anyone who uses this information to injure, harass, threaten, or commit criminal acts against any person listed on this web site, or any persons who work for Bad Men Report, will be subject to criminal prosecution. All threats against Bad Men Report and it’s personel will be taken seriously and immediately reported to local law enforcement and the FBI (Federal Bureau of Investigation – Cyber Crimes Division). 

9. Threats: If we are informed that a customer is threatening a lady we will update the post ouselves based on her communication telling us that she is being threatened and by whom. So, If you find yourself listed in our registry, it’s best you do not make a bad situation worse by threatening anyone.

10. Third Party Delist Requests  We do not accept third party character references. If you’re an escort and know someone who’s posted in our registry, you should already know that just because that customer plays, or has played nice with you, doesn’t mean he has done so with everyone else. Also, since such requests can be contrived, we give them no merit. 

11. Law Suit Threats  If you are thinking about writing us with a threat of a law suit, we suggest you do your home work first and learn the scope of the law and the First Amendment protection afforded us and this website, regarding Free Speech rights, especially with websites such as these before you waste your time writing us. (Please see top of this page). Personally, we don’t want to go to court, but if we have to, we’ll appreciate the publicity, and hope you will too! 

12. Memberships and Access to our registry are not restricted to adult entertainers and the escort community. Anyone can join for any reason. That’s what makes the effect of being listed here so serious and to be avoided at all costs. *Posting Reports to the site does not require membership, nor does it discount the right of escorts to share their experiences by being non members, and nor does it automatically invalidate any reports because the posts were made by non members. Do not write us and tell us how our website should be membership only by verified escorts only so we can do you a favor and hide your misbehaviors from public view. This is our site, and our membership and access policies are well thought out and left to public access for good reason. 

13. Memberships Terms are for a minimum of two months, with no refunds.  If you wish to cancel your monthly subscription, you must notify us via email before the end of the anniversary date of your second month. Once the system bills your card, no refunds will be given, but you will be able to use your membership for the remainder of that monthly cycle. 

14. Site Visitors and Members agree not to copy or re-use the postings and content on this site, nor share this information with any other website, or organization, for any other purpose, or they may have their membership privileges revoked without notice. 

15. Note: Bad Men Report reserves the right to update and make changes to our Terms and Conditions without prior written notification or consent.