Category: Time Waster
Jason Wegiel is a timewasting loser
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“This loser hit me up for a two hour session and had me block those hours for him. SO did he respect that? No, he blew me off without contacting…
Josh Snyder is a cheap timewaster
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“POS timewaster. Cancelled on me multiple times and I naively gave multiple chances since he always cancelled in advance. Today he claimed to be at my apartment, so I sent…
Aaron Driben is a fantasy booker
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“Meets the first time then makes fantasy appointments over and over again, asking a million questions but not actually booking or cancels last minute. Seems to really enjoy wasting peoples…
Craig Brody is a fraud
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“I was on tour and he asked to book me for 2-3 hours. I told him he would need to deposit 50% because of all these reports and he said…
Johnny Tran is a timewaster
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“No contact no show. Set up a session with me and then didn’t show up or respond when I hit him up. Wasted hours of my day that could’ve gone…
Daniel Shanahan is a timewaster
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“He wasted my time a while ago. Set up a session that he didn’t show up for even though I had a room rented and everything. He likes to waste…
Protected: Don’t waste your time on Kai
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Protected: Gregory is a timewaster
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Protected: James is a waste of time
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Protected: Barry wastes your time
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There is no excerpt because this is a protected post.