Nate Whittlesey is a rapist and thief

Nate Whittlesey is the biggest piece of shit I’ve ever had the misfortune of meeting. He booked an escorting session with me, and then came over high as fuck on coke. The whole session he kept snorting more and more coke. I almost kicked him out, but he had given me a lot of money for an overnight session. That was a mistake. While I was sleeping, he raped me. When I woke up, we got into a fight, and I finally pushed him out. When I went back to check the money he’d given me, I realized he stole it.

He’s a violent, drug-addicted skinhead and you should ignore him completely.

Owner of Kings Parlor Barbershop

(949) 220-7709

Sharon Anne Whittlesey
Curtis Lyle Whittlesey
Jeremy R Whittlesey
Brian Paul Whittlesey
Candice A Whittlesey
Hayden C Whittlesey
Shawna Jane Whittlesey
Sean-paul J Whittlesey